If you're after some free tutorials for really cute, modern kids clothes then MADE is the blog to put in your favourites. So many great, easy tutorials. I love the market skirts, the 90minute shirt... ummm pretty much all of the tutorials. It's actually great to find some great sewing for boys.
Just been having a squiz over at Ravelry and came across this nice shrug pattern called Lyttelton by Kate Davies. Pity I can't knit. Might have to learn.
Sweet pea time again. These ones are from the 2009 harvested seeds.
Some earrings made from a Julie A Bolduc pattern on Ravelry. I've made more with a heavier weight cotton and different colours. Really pretty.
The recipe is from A Collection of Thoughts. It's tasty. Very rich. Probably a good thing so I didn't eat it all in one sitting! Had some for breakfast. Oops.
Starting with something new. I made this owl with the help of Amigurumi World.